Otro Mundo Ausente

Changing the blog layout now... For those of you who happen accross my blog these days, you're in for something different from my Peace Corps doings. I'm back state-side in the UP, Michigan, finishing my master in volcanology. These days you'll hear about my doings post-PC, and occassionally some random thoughts I just need to get out there. Politics, conservation, persepctive, people who bug me.... whatever. I hope it doesn't fatigue you too much. best. -adam-

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Flight Booked

Hi fans-

I've booked my flight to staging. It's in Washington D.C. from Jan. 09 to Jan. 11. On the early of the 11th I fly to Gautemala. Everyday it becomes more and mroe official. It's pretty exciting. Anyways.... Happy Holidays--

Friday, December 09, 2005

Dec. 9, 2005 - The verdict is in and...

...I'm going to Guate. I leave Jan. 9, 2006 for orientation and training is 1/12 - 4/6. I am going down with Environmental Conservation and Income generation, although they asked for me specifically for disaster awareness, and it looks as though my job title is Environmental Educator. Pretty nifty, eh? Despite only having 1 month before I leave and having to had make my decision in only few days, at the end of the semester....I am excited, and looking forward to joining the other fabulous PC volunteers out there.

But I've got so much to do now with classes ending, saying my farewells, and organizing all my other work at MTU on top of this PC paper work. Well, I better get crackin'. Catch you all later--

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Dec. 7, 2005 PC Update

Well, again, things are turning around. After direct requests from Guate and another from the Guate desk in DC, I have been requested to go to Guatemala. The main problem is that I would leave in early January, only a month away. So I have to decide if that is OK. It looks like a perfect fit, but with the short time period, I am caught off gaurd. Mainly because I already bought my discount Bohemia season pass at Downwind.... Actually not, but I'll let you know in a couple days what my final decision is.... Love you all. Wish me luck-
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