Otro Mundo Ausente

Changing the blog layout now... For those of you who happen accross my blog these days, you're in for something different from my Peace Corps doings. I'm back state-side in the UP, Michigan, finishing my master in volcanology. These days you'll hear about my doings post-PC, and occassionally some random thoughts I just need to get out there. Politics, conservation, persepctive, people who bug me.... whatever. I hope it doesn't fatigue you too much. best. -adam-

Saturday, September 01, 2007

And history repeats itself...again

In 1902 a catastrophic disaster rocked Guatemala. And what did the government do about it? Notice anything similar with today´s administration and their POV back in the US and a looming disaster?

Open your eyes. It´s not just science. It´s happening right in front of you.
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