Otro Mundo Ausente

Changing the blog layout now... For those of you who happen accross my blog these days, you're in for something different from my Peace Corps doings. I'm back state-side in the UP, Michigan, finishing my master in volcanology. These days you'll hear about my doings post-PC, and occassionally some random thoughts I just need to get out there. Politics, conservation, persepctive, people who bug me.... whatever. I hope it doesn't fatigue you too much. best. -adam-

Sunday, October 14, 2007


So, I’ve got these ducks. Right? Well, they’re really not mine… but they come into my yard enough that it would be fair to claim that I’m entitled to decapitate one of them and make caldo de pato…or duck stew. Not like I’d get around to doing that, though. Caldo de pato isn’t the highest recommended dish there is around here.

Anyways, every morning that I wake up, and don’t go to work at the observatory, I’ll find them waddling around my backyard looking for water. Now, I have to sources of water that these little guys are looking for, and neither of them would be considered very…ideal, at least for myself. One of them is my pila. It’s my sink, drying rack, washing machine, and water depository. It drains right below itself via holes located in the two sinks on the side of the depository, and the water (carrying bits of food, dish soap, dirt, and soap for my clothes) washes down this little aqueduct lined by red bricks into this little pool (ditch) where the water soaks into the ground. The little suckers aprovechan (take advantage) to the max, Adam’s sweaty, soapy, foody water and all, all the way from the drain to the little ditch. Caldo anyone?

The other place these guys like to catch a dip is right next to my latrine. Wait, it’s not that bad, really. My latrine goes way down deep. But right next to it is this old poncho that the previous tenants left on the ground, and I’ve just been too lazy to throw it out. That, and throwing it away would just mean it would find its way to the local river. So, after it rains, the water puddles up in it, making a perfect little water hole. It’s always a little surprise to have this mara (gang) of ducklings show up next to me while I’m sitting on the, until recently, most comfortable seat that I’ve got. Part of their little water pond goes under the aluminum siding, so I get the say “Buenas Días” to their nosy little faces.

And they always travel around with their mother, following up back. I assume it’s their mother, because, if they’re Guatemalan ducks, which I am sure they are, it’s the mother who looks after the young ones. She keeps a good eye on her young, and I think she finally trusts me, allowing them to get close to me. Until one day when I change my mind and try to figure out how to make a nice caldo.
Later, I’ll have to tell you about these two chicks that like to try to sneak into my house.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Silence on the Mountain

If your interested in a little reading about Guatemala, read Silence on the Mountain, by Daniel Wilkinson. Its Non-fiction and talks about the history of Guatemala as this man, Daniel, goes around Western Guatemala, around where I live, trying to interview locals about the history, but people are very timid about talking with him because of the internal conflict that was going on at the time he was conducting these interviews.

It will really show you what has happened to parts of this country, and explains, maybe, why this country is the way it is. It also mentions my volcano quite a bit.

Frineds of Guatemala

Hi all.

It´s your trurn to help...

I´m looking for a little help getting my hands on some books down here for some kids. The problem is books down here run a little pricey (for me) to buy a bunch of them. The kids have an interest in reading, but they just don´t have to books, and neither do the schools. If anybody would like to help out, financially, there´s some info down towarsd the bottom about sending money.

In case your asking yourself about if it´s worthwhile, I´ll tell you that I tried it out with a couple books that I had bought. One was this old Alfred Hitchcock story about these kid detectives (I never knew he did this, either) and the other was another kids book. I let some kids, mainly abuot 10-14 borrow them and bring them back when they finished. A couple kids read the Hitchcock book in just 2 days. And the books always came back in the same condition they left in.

Anyways, I´m looking to getting around buying some more books that they may enjoy.

Example. I know this one kid wants to learn more about ancient Egypt....and he also is interested the Free Trade Agreement (Trato de Libre Comercio).

Since I´m now reading book 7 of Harry Potter (awesome, bu the way), I think the series would kickstart their imagination.

Anyways, you get the point. If you could spare a few bucks or so, that´d be awesome.

Just send me an email to let me know what´s coming. They money will be put into my PC account that I use down here.

oh, and its tax deductable....

Thanks a bunch.


Friends of Guatemala
P.O. Box 33018
Washington D.C. 20033

must be a check!!!

On the memo line of the check, donors should write "PCV Adam Blankenbicker - Cat. II"
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