Otro Mundo Ausente

Changing the blog layout now... For those of you who happen accross my blog these days, you're in for something different from my Peace Corps doings. I'm back state-side in the UP, Michigan, finishing my master in volcanology. These days you'll hear about my doings post-PC, and occassionally some random thoughts I just need to get out there. Politics, conservation, persepctive, people who bug me.... whatever. I hope it doesn't fatigue you too much. best. -adam-

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Too bad we weren't closer for this one

Wish we were still at that lodge when this one went off. Though it would be great to be playing futbol while an eruption was going. I think this plume reached 4km above the crater itself. Posted by Picasa

Ya Baby!

While we were there, Popo erupted. In fact about 45 min earlier we were another km closer than I am here, which I think is about 4km from where the plume is. Ya, we were excited. Pretty sweet, eh?Posted by Picasa

Danger Ahead

Danger Ahead. Yep, only those with permission from the Mexican govt. can go past this sign. We did. A whole coach bus of us. Ya, being scientist is great.... You can kind of see Popo behind the trees there.Posted by Picasa

Field Trip with Popo

This is our group out on field trip. OK, the volcano is actually called Popocatepetl. We got to see a bunch of volcanic deposits, but we got closer to the volcano, and that was a lot cooler....Posted by Picasa

Day of the Dead

Last day we were in Mexico, we visited the main open area where all organizations make Day of the Dead scenes. Some were huge. This one was cool, esp. with the mosaic library behind . Posted by Picasa
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